DataMapper is an Object Relational Mapper written in Ruby. The goal is to create an ORM which is fast, thread-safe and feature rich.
To learn a little more about this project and why you should be interested,
read the Why Datamapper? page.
Recent News
DataMapper 1.2.0 released
DataMapper 1.2.0 is here!
Read more
- DataMapper 1.2.0 released
DataMapper 1.2.0 is here!
- DataMapper 1.1.0 released
DataMapper 1.1.0 is here!
- DataMapper 1.0.2 released
DataMapper 1.0.2 is here!
- DataMapper 1.0 released
DataMapper 1.0 is here! There are changes to be aware of so please, read on.
- DataMapper 1.0.0 rc3 released
Includes several bugs fixes for issues found in rc2, as well as a few other tickets in the queue.
- DataMapper 1.0.0 rc2 released
We are starting a public RC process now to make sure the installation process is solid and that the API is stable before 1.0 is released at RailsConf.
- DataMapper 0.10.2 is Released
New Set Operations, bug fixes and more specs round out this solid release.
- DataMapper at RubyEnRails Amsterdam 2009
Presentation on DataMapper by dbussink
- DataMapper 0.10 is Released
After 11 months of work, over 1250 commits and 140 tickets fixed 0.10 is ready
- DataMapper Presented at RailsConf 2008
A warm reception for a very cool ORM
- DataMapper 0.9 is Released
And you thought that The Great Refactoring was for naught
- DataMapper Presented at MWRC 2008
Presentation on DataMapper by Wycats
- Spotlight on... Laziness
The Fastest Code Is No Code
- Spotlight on... Composite Keys
When a Primary Key Just Isn't Enough
- The Great Refactoring
Change is afoot
If you're having trouble, don't forget to check the documentation, which has both references and step by step tutorials.