Spotlight on… Laziness
Laziness. It means “an unwillingness to work or use energy” and typically indicates that the dishes don’t get washed after lunch, the bath tub doesn’t get cleaned, and the trash sits around an extra few days and stinks up the place.
But that very same definition in software takes on a whole new meaning: To avoid doing work you don’t have to do for as long as you can avoid it; sometimes never doing it at all. It’s a good thing. It means that expensive and slow tasks can be put off until the very last cycle possible and thus only incur their cost when it really is worth it. Maybe you never execute the code at all.
You could put off running a specific subroutine because it’s slow, or because it locks a file that might be needed elsewhere, or because instantiating the resulting object eats up RAM. Either way, deferring execution of a block of code until the very last possible moment can be the difference between a snappy application that rarely slows down and a slow application that rarely speeds up.
But laziness isn’t without its hidden costs. If you put off everything to the very last moment, you forfeit the opportunity to do more than one thing at a time, and likely create more work for yourself, rather than less.
So where’s the balance?
Ultimately, it depends on your application. The tools you use should offer you the flexibility you need to design your application optimally. Every system, after all, is unique and breaks the mold of systems before it.
This brings us to DataMapper.
Lazy-loading attributes
You likely already know that DataMapper supports lazy properties.
class Post
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial # auto_incrementing primary key
property :title, String, :lazy => true # intentionally lazy
property :body, Text # lazy by default
In this case, we’re intentionally marking this Post’s :title
property as lazy,
as well as letting the :body
be lazy by default. If we go and inspect our
query log for the retrieval of a post with the ID of 1, we see
SELECT `id` FROM `posts` WHERE `id` = 1
DataMapper didn’t request the two lazy columns. But when we call .title
off of
our post, we suddenly see
SELECT `title` FROM `posts` WHERE `id` = 1
This is the very definition of a lazy-loaded property; The lazy column didn’t get requested from our data store until we actually needed it, and no sooner.
But this is just for one individual instance of a post. How does this behave
when we have a collection of posts and iteratively call the .title
SELECT `title` FROM `posts` WHERE `id` IN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
DataMapper loaded up the title for all of the posts in our collection in one query. It didn’t issue the lazy-load retrieval from above over and over for each individual post, nor did it chicken out and issue the lazy-load retrieval for ALL of the posts in the data store.
When you retrieve a set of results using DataMapper’s .all
, each instance it
returns knows about the others in the result set, which makes it brutally simple
to issue just one lazy-load retrieval of :title
, and thus solving the n+1
query problem without having to do anything special in the initial retrieval.
Contextual Lazy-loading
With a recent commit by Guy van den Berg, DataMapper just got a whole lot more flexible.
Most applications have only a few main views of a resource: a brief summary view used in listing results, a complete representation that might appear on a show page and a comprehensive view for when someone is editing something and needs access to metadata. Wouldn’t it be nice to lump all of the lazy-load retrieval queries into one query which loads up multiple lazy properties, rather than query after query for each lazy property as you call them?
DataMapper now does this!
class Post
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial
property :title, String, :lazy => [ :summary, :brief ]
property :body, Text, :lazy => [ :summary ]
So now, when you load an attribute with the :summary
context, DataMapper will
load up all of the other lazy-loaded properties marked :summary
in one query
to the data store.
In your query log, you’ll see:
-- initial load
SELECT `id` FROM `posts`
-- lazy-loading of multiple properties in a given context in one query
SELECT `id`, `title`, `body` FROM `posts`
If you use this wisely, it would mean that DataMapper will never load more than it needs nor will it ever fire off more than the absolutely necessary amount of queries to get the job done.
It’s lazy ;-)
Strategic Eager Loading
Well, not for everything.
Returning for a little bit to our “loaded set” discussion from above, every item you pull out of the data store is aware of any other item that got pulled along with it. This is a very powerful feature which lets DataMapper defeat n+1 query problems when dealing with associations as well as lazy-loading of properties.
For example, this is a severe “no no” in ActiveRecord:
Zoo.find(:all).each do |zoo|
This is a very bad idea because the ORM must query the “animals” table over and
over again to load the association for each iteration. It’s far better to use
Zoo.find(:all, :include => [ :animals ]).each {}
because a JOIN occurs and
everything is retrieved in 1 query.
But the same issue doesn’t exist in DataMapper. Each instance is aware of the
other instances it was retrieved with. The same iterator example from above only
fires off 2 queries as you’re iterating and calling the association inside the
. If you forget to :include => [ :association ]
in the initial query,
DataMapper only ever fires off one more query to get what it needs.
Yehuda Katz has aptly named this ‘Strategic Eager Loading’.
Getting Around to It
A conclusion for our talk about laziness will be written whenever I get around to it.
For now, just remember that DataMapper embraces lazy-loading, yet isn’t overly zealous when the lazy properties are finally retrieved. It also fills associations strategically, and assumes you’re going to iterate over the set of results. You don’t have to catch yourself when you write an iterator because DataMapper loads associations for all of your items in the set, rather than on a one-by-one basis.
And, most importantly, you can avoid doing work you don’t have to do for as long as you can avoid it.
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